Pink Key Society
Harness Sarah's Spirit
Many of you know me through my wife Sarah, and each of you that knew her have memories of how she would go out of her way to help you if she knew that you needed something or if you asked for help. She was always making phone calls, connecting people, rallying troops, and bringing her tireless energy to the aid of others. She did this not only with her friends and acquaintances, but also whenever a charity asked for her help.
Sarah taught me to go out of my way to help others if I have the opportunity, and I am so happy she did. It is a special joy that I get when I am able to make a difference in a friend’s life without expecting anything in return.
Since Sarah died, I have been active in many charities, and each one makes a huge difference to the community it serves. They need help, and since Sarah is not here to help them, I want to.
She always had enough time and energy to help others in need, and not only do I want to embrace that spirit, but I’d like for you to join me as well.
The Pink Key Society is a way for you to join me and harness Sarah’s spirit for embracing the opportunity to help others. Each year the Pink Key Society will host events that, in Sarah’s spirit, are fun, full of friends, and while having a good time, support an important cause.
Sarah died from breast cancer, so every October, I walk in her memory and support the Susan G. Komen breast cancer charity. I invite you to join me as a team member, and if you’d like, to join me for the next walk.
2024 Third Annual Children's Bereavement Center Fundraiser Pig Roast
We had two lechons again this year, and were able introduced the Children's Bereavement Center to many families and raise more than $9500.
2023 South Florida Event Chair
Pink Key Society Team captain Sergio Mendoza was the event chair for the 2023 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk, and our 103 team members raised more than $18,500 for the fight against breast cancer. Sarah and Sergio's son Sergio just started 6th grade at the Palmer Trinity School (palmertrinity.org), so this year, the Pink Key Society team joined the Pink Palmer Trinity team.
2023 Second Annual Children's Bereavement Center Fundraiser Pig Roast
This year's pig roast for for the Children's Bereavement Center (https://childbereavement.org/), was much smaller because it was at my Key Biscayne home, but just like last year, it was a fantastic success! Thank you so much for your incredible support.
2022 South Florida Event Chair
Pink Key Society Team captain Sergio Mendoza was the event chair for this year's Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk, and in 2022, our 35 team members raised more than $50,000 for the fight against breast cancer. We were the #4 fundraising team in the nation.
2022 First Annual Children's Bereavement Center Fundraiser Pig Roast
We were able to host our first event for the Children's Bereavement Center (https://childbereavement.org/), and it was a fantastic success! When my wife Sarah died, I immediately started attending a peer group with my son Sergio called the Children’s Bereavement Center. Everyone there had lost their favorite person in the world, so even though I went for my son, I too learned from others with every meeting. I learned how to understand mourning, and when my sister Beatriz died a year later, I was strong enough to help others. I was able to share the ideas that helped me at my sister’s funeral, and if you have lost someone you love, maybe my ideas will help you too.
How to Mourn (by Sergio)
2021 #1 Fundraising Team
In 2021, 137 people donated to 19 team members and made us the #1 fundraising team in South Florida with more than $27,000 for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Sam Crumley, an 8 year old friend of my children was one of the top fundraisers, and as a team, we ranked nationally for the first time and were the #5 fundraising team nationwide.
2020 #1 Fundraising Team
In 2020, 111 people donated to 26 team members and made us the #1 fundraising team in South Florida with more than $10,500 for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation. It was a challenging year, and this walk was virtual, but we came together strongly, and I want to thank you for making our contribution to the fight against breast cancer possible.
2019 Our First Year
In 2019 we had about 50 people at the Pink Key Society's first cocktail party, and almost 40 people walk with us at the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk. We were a top 5 fundraising team, raising $9,000+ for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. That’s a truly significant amount of money to fight this terrible disease. Thank you making our first year a success!
Please join me
- Follow the Pink Key Society Facebook page
- Follow the Pink Society on Instagram
- Donate directly to the Pink Key Society Fund

October 2019
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk Team
Top 5 Fundraising Team
Raised $9,400+
October 2019
Pink Key Society Team Cocktail Party
October 2020
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk Team
#1 Fundraising Team
Raised $10,500+
April 2021
Children's Bereavement Center Fundraiser Pig Roast
Raised $20,000
October 2021
Pink Key Society Team Cocktail Party
October 2021
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk Team
#1 Fundraising Team
Raised $27,000+
October 2022
Pink Key Society Team Cocktail Party
October 2022
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk Team
Top 5 Fundraising Team
Raised $50,000
Sergio Mendoza as Komen Event Chair
March 2023
Children's Bereavement Center Fundraiser Pig Roast
Raised $8,000
October 2023
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk Team
Top 5 Fundraising Team
Raised $18,500
Sergio Mendoza as Komen Event Chair
March 2024
Children's Bereavement Center Fundraiser Pig Roast
Raised $9,500
October 2024
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk Team

To Honor Sarah
I lost my wife Sarah to metastatic breast cancer in 2017, and I created Pharaoun to honor her memory by honoring the women in my life.
Sarah taught me about joy, romantic love, and how wonderful our relationships with our children can be. She taught me so much, and I’m still learning from her. One of her biggest lessons inspired the Pink Key Society.
Sarah’s natural elegance, her smile, and her love of people and life was contagious. She made everyone feel incredible, loved, and happy. I am so blessed that she was my partner for ten years, and she is a large part of my heart.
She is the woman that inspires every design, and I dedicate Pharaoun to her.